At Back in Line Clinics, we specialise in the diagnosis, treatment and overall management of conditions that are due to problems with the joints, ligaments, tendons and nerves, especially related to the spine.
Treatment mainly involves safe, often gentle, specific spinal manipulation to free joints in the spine or other areas of the body that are not moving properly. Along with spinal manipulation, a variety of joint mobilisations and massage techniques are used in combination to encourage a more rapid recovery. In addition we will offer advice regarding posture, home exercises, dietary considerations, sleep and stress management and stretching/strengthening tailored to your specific diagnosis.
Although we're best known for treating back and neck pain (which we do very well), patients also consult us with all manner of joint aches and pains, from wear and tear to minor sports injuries.
Live in Motion, not in pain.
At Back in Line Clinics, we specialise in the diagnosis, treatment and overall management of conditions that are due to problems with the joints, ligaments, tendons and nerves, especially related to the spine.
Treatment mainly involves safe, often gentle, specific spinal manipulation to free joints in the spine or other areas of the body that are not moving properly. Along with spinal manipulation, a variety of joint mobilisations and massage techniques are used in combination to encourage a more rapid recovery. In addition we will offer advice regarding posture, home exercises, dietary considerations, sleep and stress management and stretching/strengthening tailored to your specific diagnosis.
Although we're best known for treating back and neck pain (which we do very well), patients also consult us with all manner of joint aches and pains, from wear and tear to minor sports injuries.
Live in Motion, not in pain.
022 369 8039
FOR URGENT APPOINTMENTS please phone or send a text and we will do our best to help you on the same day.
Whangamata Clinic:
Chiropractic from 9am Mon-Fri
Massage Mon and Thurs
Tairua Clinic:
Chiropractic 8:30am- 4:30 Mon and Fri
Massage Mon - Fri
Neck Pain
Neck pain is very common. Most people will suffer one or more episodes of neck pain during their lives. In many cases, it starts suddenly and gets better quickly, without the need for any treatment.
However, neck pain can be painful, debilitating and persistent, and some people suffer repeated episodes. It can also be associated with other symptoms, such as arm pain or headaches. Neck pain may start following a traumatic incident, such as a road traffic collision, or it may start gradually, perhaps as a result of poor posture or an uncomfortable work position.
Types of back painThere are many different types of back pain, with different causes. The key to getting the right treatment is to establish which type of back pain you may be suffering from and to seek advice if it is not improving. Your spine is one of the strongest parts of your body. It is made of solid blocks of bone known as vertebra, joined together by softer pads or discs which act as shock absorbers and maintain flexibility. Your back is reinforced by strong ligaments, surrounded by powerful muscles for support. It is, in fact, surprisingly difficult to damage your spine. The majority of people with back pain are suffering from what is known as ‘simple’ or ‘mechanical’ back pain. This means that the pain is not related to any serious underlying condition and there are no trapped or compressed nerves. We do not always know the exact tissues that are involved in simple back pain. Muscles, joints and ligaments can all be involved. Simple back pain can be caused by poor posture, prolonged sitting in an uncomfortable position, and even muscular tension due emotional or work-related stress. As we get older, wear and tear may contribute to back pain. The shock-absorbing pads or discs between the bones of the back can narrow with age and this can cause stiffness, pain and make it difficult to move. Simple back pain is relatively common. Less frequently, the nerves of the back can sometimes become irritated, compressed or trapped. Again, there can be many reasons why this happens, but slipped discs or wear and tear can lead to pain spreading down the leg, which is commonly referred to as sciatica. This can be accompanied by pins and needles, tingling, numbness and weakness in all or part of the leg and foot.
Why do people get back pain?People experience back pain for all sorts of reasons. It might be the way they sit or stand, or because their work or lifestyle causes stress and strain on their back. Worry or stress can cause tension in the back muscles, or can delay recovery of existing back pain. Sometimes an old injury, or wear and tear over time, might also cause problems. However, there is often no obvious reason why back pain develops. Although it can be very painful, back pain rarely has a serious underlying cause. A chiropractor, who is experienced in diagnosing conditions of the back and spine, can help treat your back pain, and also identify if a referral or specialist investigations are needed.
Symptoms of back painBack pain can be very uncomfortable as the tissues and structures of the back are very susceptible to pain. Back pain can be felt in one or both sides of the back, sometimes between the shoulder blades or from waist level and into the buttocks and down the front or back of the legs. It can be a sharp or dull pain, and can spread into the lower legs and sometimes as far as the feet. If the pain does not go after a few days, or starts to get worse, it is worth seeking professional advice. Early treatment will help you get better faster.
Coping with back painAbout half of people who have an episode of back pain will have another episode within a couple of years. But that still doesn’t mean that it is necessarily serious. Between episodes most people return to normal activities within two or three weeks, with few remaining symptoms. Back pain can be very painful due to inflammation and muscle spasm, and you may need to take it easy for a while. But resting for more than a day or two does not usually help, and may actually do more harm than good. It is best to try to keep moving and seek our help if you are finding it difficult to cope, or to speed up recovery. Your back is designed for movement. The sooner you get back to normal activity, the sooner your back will feel better. The people who cope best are those who stay active and get on with their life despite the pain. If your back pain does not improve, it is important to seek help. Early treatment will get you better faster.
Seeing a chiropractor for back painChiropractors specialise in assessing, diagnosing and managing conditions of the spine. They are highly trained in finding the cause of pain in the spine. Most chiropractic degrees consist of five (5) years of study, leading to either a Bachelor or Masters Degree. Importantly, chiropractors are regulated by law and must work within strict professional and ethical boundaries. Before starting treatment, your chiropractor will do a full assessment. This will involve taking details about your condition, current health and medical history, and performing a physical examination. Sometimes it may be necessary to refer you for other tests, such as X-rays, MRI scans or blood tests. It is important for your chiropractor to gather as much information about your back pain as possible so that the most precise diagnosis can be made. Your chiropractor will then explain what is wrong, what can be done and what you can expect from chiropractic treatment.
Treatment optionsChiropractors are best known for manual treatments such as spinal manipulation, where they use their hands to free stiff or restricted joints, or mobilisation, which is the gradual moving of joints. In our clinics you may be offered gentle traction, stretching exercises and rehabilitation, all of which form part of a your package of care. Your chiropractor may also offer lifestyle advice to help recovery and to prevent repeated episodes of back pain. If your chiropractor does not think you can be helped by chiropractic treatment, you may be referred back to your GP or to another health professional. Chiropractors do not prescribe medication, so if this is needed, you may be referred back to your GP. As chiropractors support a joined-up approach to care, they may ask if they can send a brief report to your GP. Many people who suffer long-term back pain benefit from regular, supportive chiropractic care to reduce the risk of recurrent episodes.